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Bagaimana cara mengubah ukuran font Ribbon di Outlook di windows 7/8/10?

Penulis: Kelly Terakhir Dimodifikasi: 2020-04-27

Mungkin mudah bagi pengguna Outlook untuk mengubah ukuran font di Panel Navigasi, mengubah ukuran font untuk membuat / membalas / meneruskan pesan, atau mengubah ukuran font di catatan, dll. Namun, pernahkah Anda berpikir untuk mengubah ukuran font di Pita, dan bagaimana caranya? Sebenarnya Anda harus mengkonfigurasi pengaturan di Control Panel Windows jika Anda ingin memperbesar atau memperkecil font di Outlook Ribbon. Pada artikel ini saya akan menjelaskan cara mengubah ukuran font Ribbon di Outlook selangkah demi selangkah.

Ubah ukuran font Ribbon di Outlook di Windows 7

Ubah ukuran font Ribbon di Outlook di Windows 8

Ubah ukuran font Ribbon di Outlook di Windows 10

panah gelembung kanan biruUbah ukuran font Ribbon di Outlook di Windows 7

Jika saat ini Anda bekerja di Windows 7, Anda dapat mengubah ukuran font Ribbon di Outlook dengan langkah-langkah berikut:

Langkah 1: Pergi ke desktop, klik kanan di tempat kosong dan pilih Personalize dari menu klik kanan.

Langkah 2: Di Control Panel (Personalization) yang muncul, klik Warna Windows tombol di bagian bawah

Langkah 3: Di Panel Kontrol baru, klik teks Pengaturan tampilan lanjutan. Lihat tangkapan layar:

Langkah 4: Sekarang Anda masuk ke kotak dialog Warna dan Tampilan Jendela,

(1) Klik item kotak, dan pilih menu dari daftar drop-down;

(2) Klik Font kotak, dan tentukan jenis font dari daftar drop-down;

(3) Klik Ukuran kotak di samping Font kotak, dan tentukan ukuran font dari daftar drop-down.

(4) Klik OK tombol untuk menerapkan perubahan.

Langkah 5: Tutup panel kontrol.

panah gelembung kanan biruUbah ukuran font Ribbon di Outlook di Windows 8

Di Windows 8, untuk mengubah ukuran font Ribbon di Microsoft Outlook, lakukan hal berikut:

Langkah 1: Pergi ke desktop, klik kanan di tempat kosong dan pilih Personalize dari menu klik kanan.

Langkah 2: Di Popping up Control Panel (Personalization), silakan klik Display di sebelah kiri. Lihat tangkapan layar:

Langkah 3: Sekarang Control Panel (Display) terbuka. Pergi ke Hanya mengubah ukuran teks bagian, klik kotak pertama dan pilih menu dari daftar drop-down, lalu klik kotak kedua dan tentukan ukuran font dari daftar drop-down.

Langkah 4: Klik Mendaftar tombol, dan tutup Panel Kontrol.

Sekarang semua font di Ribbon of Microsoft Outlook diubah sekaligus.

Ubah ukuran font Ribbon di Outlook di Windows 10

Jika Anda bekerja di Windows 10, lakukan saja seperti ini:

Di desktop, klik kanan untuk menampilkan menu konteks, klik Tampilan Pengaturan.
doc mengubah font pita 9

Lalu di Settings jendela, tombol seret masuk Ubah ukuran teks, aplikasi, dan item lainnya: bagian untuk mengubah ukuran font pita. Klik Terapkan untuk menerapkannya.
doc mengubah font pita 10

Simpan atau Ekspor Beberapa email ke file fomat lain (PDF / HTML / WORD / EXCEL) di Outlook

Terkadang, Anda mungkin ingin menyimpan atau mengekspor email ke folder sebagai file format lain, seperti file PDF, Word atau Excel di Outlook. Di Outlook, tak satu pun dari fungsi Simpan sebagai dan Ekspor dapat menangani pekerjaan ini. Namun, Kutools untuk Outlook's Save as file utilitas dapat mengekspor banyak email ke folder sebagai file dengan berbagai format sekaligus.    Klik untuk uji coba gratis 60 hari!
doc ekspor email ke msg 8
Kutools for Outlook: dengan lusinan add-in Outlook yang praktis, gratis untuk dicoba tanpa batasan dalam 60 hari.

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Comments (31)
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Thank you for the tip to resize the fonts for Outlook Ribbon in Window 10!
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Thanks pal!
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Owe you a beer for that. Thanks.
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I owe you a beer for that now!!! hahaha Many thanks.
The "My First Outlook" is now back to adult version!
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My ribbon icons and text were ridiculously large. This is how I fixed it:
File/Options/General/User Interface Options / When using multiple display = Optmize for compatibility

Prior to that it was set to "Optmize for best appearance"

You will need to restart Outlook after changing this setting.
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Thank you, Flashman! It's just what I needed and I would  never have figured that out on my own!!
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THANK YOU!  Much appreciated! :)
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It worked, thanks a lot
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After a year still helping people like me :)Thanks!
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You're the best. THANKS!!!
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Thank you for a real fix, rather than a workaround!
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Thank you for Actually having a fix for this.
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Yes, this worked. the Author's solution to change everything wasn't an option as other apps were not affected.
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Thank You. This worked!
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Worked Grate. Thank you!
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My ribbon icons and text were ridiculously SMALL. This worked for me, thank you!
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Thank you, worked for me!
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it work to perfection - thank you :)
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This worked for me. Thanks for the help!
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The solution above did not work for me, but I figured it out. For Windows 10 Enterprise, get to the Windows Settings home screen. Click the "Ease of Access" option. You will see a section that says "Make Everything Bigger" where you can "Change the size of apps and text on the main display." My setting was already set to the recommended 150% but for some reason my Outlook ribbon/toolbar was smaller than usual. I clicked the 125% option which obviously didn't help and then back to 150%, which fixed the problem. Follow these steps and you should be good to go!
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This worked great for me in Windows 10! Not only did it fix my huge Outlook 2016 ribbon, but it also made my entire Windows environment better! Much appreciated.
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Still doesn't work in Windows 10. Agree with other posters about Win 10 being garbage.
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Doesn't work in Windows 10, i.e. no way to change the ribbon font size or size of the ribbon when it's displayed. Windows 10 = piece of garbage. Win 7 far better.
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Ribbon font size got big all of a sudden one day, even the fonts at the desktop. But the fonts of icons or title menus were able to be changed to smaller ones but the Ribbon font size won't seem to change even after changing the font size. Please help me out
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Changing the text size in 'Display' settings worked like a charm ! Cheers :)
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