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Bagaimana cara mencetak semua aturan pemformatan bersyarat di lembar kerja?

Penulis: Kelly Terakhir Dimodifikasi: 2017-11-16

Sangat mudah untuk melihat semua aturan pemformatan bersyarat di lembar kerja dengan mengklik Beranda > Format Bersyarat > Kelola Aturan di Excel, tetapi apakah Anda tahu cara mencetak semua aturan pemformatan kondisi di lembar kerja ini? Artikel ini akan memperkenalkan VBA untuk mengatasi masalah ini.

Cetak semua aturan pemformatan bersyarat di lembar kerja

panah gelembung kanan biruCetak semua aturan pemformatan bersyarat di lembar kerja

Ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini untuk mencetak semua aturan pemformatan bersyarat di lembar kerja oleh VBA.

1. Buka lembar kerja tertentu yang aturan pemformatan bersyaratnya akan Anda cetak, dan tekan lain + F11 bersama untuk membuka jendela Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications.

2. Klik Menyisipkan > Modul, lalu tempel kode VBA di bawah ini ke jendela modul baru.

VBA: Buat daftar semua aturan pemformatan bersyarat di lembar kerja aktif

Sub M_snb()
Dim xRg As Range, xCell As Range
Dim xFormat As Object
Dim xFmStr, xFmAddress As String
Dim xDic As New Dictionary
Dim xSpArr, xOperatorArr
On Error Resume Next
Set xRg = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllFormatConditions)
If xRg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
xDic.Item("Title") = "Type|Typename|Range|StopIfTrue|Operator|Formula1|Formula2|Formula3"
If xSpArr.Count = 0 Then
xSpArr = Split("Cell Value|Expression|Color Scale|DataBar|Top 10|Icon Sets||Unique Values|Text|Blanks|Time Period|Above Average||No Blanks||Errors|No Errors|||||", "|")
xOperatorArr = Split("xlBetween|xlNotBetween|xlEqual|xlNotEqual|xlGreater|xlLess|xlGreaterEqual|xlLessEqual", "|")
End If
For Each xCell In xRg
Set xFormat = xCell.FormatConditions(1)
xFmAddress = xFormat.AppliesTo.Address
If Not xDic.Exists(xFmAddress) Then
xDic.Item(xFmAddress) = xFormat.Type & "|" & xSpArr(xFormat.Type - 1) & "|" & xFmAddress & "|" & xFormat.StopIfTrue
If Not IsEmpty(xFormat.Operator) Then
xDic.Item(xFmAddress) = xDic.Item(xFmAddress) & "|" & xOperatorArr(xFormat.Operator - 1)
End If
If Not IsEmpty(xFormat.Formula1) Then
xDic.Item(xFmAddress) = xDic.Item(xFmAddress) & "|'" & xFormat.Formula1
End If
End If
If ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("FmCondictionList") Is Nothing Then
Sheets.Add.Name = "FmCondictionList"
End If
Sheets("FmCondictionList").Cells(1).Resize(xDic.Count) = Application.Transpose(xDic.items)
Sheets("FmCondictionList").Columns(1).TextToColumns , , , , 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, "|"
End Sub

3. Klik Tools > Referensi.

4. Dalam Referensi - kotak dialog VBAProject, harap centang Runtime Microsoft Scripting pilihan, dan klik OK tombol. Lihat tangkapan layar:

5. Sekarang Anda kembali ke jendela modul, silakan tekan F5 atau klik Run tombol untuk menjalankan VBA ini.

Sekarang lembar kerja baru bernama "Daftar FmCondtional"Dibuat dan ditambahkan sebelum lembar kerja aktif. Dan Anda akan mendapatkan semua daftar aturan pemformatan bersyarat di lembar kerja ini.

6. Klik File > Mencetak > Mencetak untuk mencetak daftar aturan pemformatan bersyarat.

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Deskripsi Produk

Tab Office Membawa antarmuka Tab ke Office, dan Membuat Pekerjaan Anda Jauh Lebih Mudah

  • Aktifkan pengeditan dan pembacaan tab di Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access, Visio, dan Project.
  • Buka dan buat banyak dokumen di tab baru di jendela yang sama, bukan di jendela baru.
  • Meningkatkan produktivitas Anda sebesar 50%, dan mengurangi ratusan klik mouse untuk Anda setiap hari!
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Regarding the comment by @Eagle, I modified the code to cycle up to 'xCell.FormatConditions.Count' and I retrieved more format conditions, but not all of them.
It appears that this change adds the formats on different ranges for the same cell, but not the same ranges with different formats for the same cell.
I'm not that familiar yet with the code that would extract these extra formats.
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Works fine!
Just two notes regarding the comments before:
* Microsoft Scripting Library must be added, otherwise 'Dim xDic As New Dictionary' cannot be interpreted
* If you have more then 1 rules defined on the same Range, then only the first will be listed (code shell be extended with a cycle from 1 to xCell.FormatConditions.Count)

Thanks a lot!
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Unfortunately doesn't work (excel 2013).
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L'algo est mauvais, il n'y a pas de boucle pour couvrir les cas ou un range aurait plusieurs format conditionnels.
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This works great, but is there a way to get a loop that includes all tabs?
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For me it did create a tab and populate information however it was excluding a lot of the conditional formatting was not included. At the time I ran it I had 112 conditional formatting rules set up but only 8 records displayed in the tab.
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Same for me - it only displayed 7 out of 14 conditional formatting rules. Is there any solution for that?
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this does not work. It creates the tab but does not populate the conditional formatting information
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