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Bagaimana cara menghapus konten sel tertentu jika nilai sel lain berubah di Excel?

Penulis: Siluvia Terakhir Dimodifikasi: 2020-07-02

Misalkan Anda ingin menghapus rentang konten sel tertentu jika nilai sel lain diubah, bagaimana Anda bisa melakukannya? Posting ini akan menunjukkan kepada Anda metode untuk mengatasi masalah ini.

Hapus konten sel yang ditentukan jika nilai sel lain berubah dengan kode VBA

Hapus konten sel yang ditentukan jika nilai sel lain berubah dengan kode VBA

Seperti gambar di bawah ini, ketika nilai di sel A2 diubah, konten di sel C1: C3 akan dihapus secara otomatis. Silakan lakukan sebagai berikut.

1. Pada lembar kerja Anda akan menghapus isi sel berdasarkan perubahan sel lain, klik kanan tab lembar dan pilih Lihat kode dari menu konteks. Lihat tangkapan layar:

2. Dalam pembukaan Microsoft Visual Basic untuk Aplikasi jendela, salin dan tempel kode VBA di bawah ini ke jendela Kode.

Kode VBA: Hapus konten sel tertentu jika nilai sel lain berubah

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A2")) Is Nothing Then
    End If
End Sub

Note: Dalam kode, B2 adalah sel tempat Anda akan menghapus konten sel berdasarkan, dan C1: C3 adalah rentang konten yang akan Anda hapus. Harap ubah sesuai kebutuhan Anda.

3. tekan lain + Q kunci untuk menutup Microsoft Visual Basic untuk Aplikasi jendela.

Kemudian Anda dapat melihat konten dalam rentang C1: C3 dihapus secara otomatis ketika nilai di sel A2 berubah seperti gambar di bawah ini.

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Dankesch枚n f眉r die Hilfe.

LG Stefan
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ich m枚chte das Makro bitte so erweitern, wenn ich in B2 klicke, das nur C2 gel枚scht wird, wenn ich in B3 klicke dann soll nur C3 gel枚scht werden usw. bis B100 dann soll nur C100 gel枚scht werden.
Und das soll auch wechelseitig funktionieren.
Wenn ich in C2 klicke dann soll nur B2 gel枚scht werden usw.

Vielen Dank im Vorraus

LG Stefan

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updated by Extendoffice 20220721
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If (Not Intersect(Target, Range("B2")) Is Nothing) And (Target.Value = "Yes") Then
If (Not Intersect(Target, Range("B3")) Is Nothing) And (Target.Value = "Yes") Then
End If
End If
End Sub
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Hi Stefan,

The following VBA can acheive: when the value of column A is changed, the corresponding cell in column C of the same row will be cleared.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updated by Extendoffice 20221013
    Dim xRight As Range
    Dim KeyCells As Range
    Set KeyCells = Range("A:A")
    Set xRight = Target.Offset(0, 3)
    If Not Application.Intersect(KeyCells, Range(Target.Address)) Is Nothing Then
    End If
End Sub
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Hola, estoy trabajando una base de datos en OFFICE ONLINE a traves de ONEDRIVE, quiero que al PONER "CANCELADO" o "NOSHOW" elimine el contenido de la fila seleccionada.
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Hi Angel,
The VBA code does not work in Office Online. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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The code below works as advertised but, the following problems occurs:

Firstly, when resizing the targeted table, all the table data is cleared AND, all but column 1 headers are re-labelled to "Column1, Column2, etc. AND the workbook autosave itslef and kills the undo.

Secondly, when deleting any table row, I get a "Run-time error 1004 (Method Offset of object Range failed.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Not Intersect(Target, Range("F3:F500")) Is Nothing Then
     Target.Offset(0, 1).ClearContents
    ElseIf Not Intersect(Target, Range("G3:G500")) Is Nothing Then
        Target.Offset(0, 1).ClearContents
        Target.Offset(0, 2).ClearContents
    ElseIf Not Intersect(Target, Range("H3:H500")) Is Nothing Then
        Target.Offset(0, 1).ClearContents
    End If
End Sub

Any idea of what could be wrong?

Thanks in advance!
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Zu Punkt 3.
Die Taste "Andere" Finde ich nicht auf meiner Windows Tastatur. Ich Habe Strg, Alt, Tab... allerdings die Taste Andere gibt es auf meiner Tastatur leider nicht.

Lieben Gru脽 Mathias
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Hi Mathias,
If you can't find the corresponding key on the keyboard. You can just click the Save button in the Microsoft Visual Basic Applications window to save the code and then manually close this window.
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袩芯屑芯谐懈褌械 褋 褉械褕械薪懈械屑, VBA 薪械 蟹薪邪褞. 袦薪械 薪褍卸薪芯 锌褉懈 懈蟹屑械薪械薪懈懈 褟褔械泄泻懈 褍写邪谢懈褌褜 写邪薪薪褘械 懈蟹 写褉褍谐芯泄 懈 褔褌芯斜褘 褝褌芯 写械泄褋褌芯胁邪谢芯 薪邪 胁械褋褜 褋褌芯谢斜械褑.
袦械薪褟褞 袗2 褍写邪谢褟械褌褋褟 懈蟹 G2, 屑械薪褟褞 袗3 褍写邪谢褟械褌褋褟 懈蟹 G3, 屑械薪褟褞 A6 褍写邪谢褟械褌褋褟 懈蟹 G6 懈 褌.写.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A2")) Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub

袛邪薪薪褘泄 泻芯写 褏芯褉芯褕 写谢褟 芯写薪芯泄 褟褔械泄泻懈, 邪 泻邪泻 械谐芯 褉邪蟹屑薪芯卸懈褌褜 薪邪 胁褋械 褟褔械泄泻懈 褋褌芯谢斜褑邪?
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Hi 袧邪褌邪谢褜褟,
The following VBA code can help you solve the problem. Please give it a try.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updated by Extendoffice 20221013
    Dim xRight As Range
    Dim KeyCells As Range
    Set KeyCells = Range("A:A")
    Set xRight = Target.Offset(0, 6)
    If Not Application.Intersect(KeyCells, Range(Target.Address)) Is Nothing Then
    End If
End Sub
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Buongiorno, avrei bisogno di cancellare una serie di caselle (un rettangolo, quindi su pi霉 righe e colonne) in base al valore di un'altra cella. es: se la cella A2 猫 inferiore di 12, il quadrato con vertici opposto C2 : F4 venga cancellato.
Grazie mille
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Hi Pietro,
Sorry I don't quite understand your question. Do you mind uploading a screenshot of your data?
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Just looking for an easy way to make it so if "B2" has selected "Yes" from the data validation list, cell B3 would clear it's data... and vice-versa: If "B3" has selected "Yes" from the data validation list, cell "B2" would clear it's data.

Basically B2 or B3 can say "Yes" (from the data validation list) but never at the same time, one should clear the other.
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Hi Jeff,
The following VBA code can do you a favor. Please give it a try.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updated by Extendoffice 20220721
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
    If (Not Intersect(Target, Range("B2")) Is Nothing) And (Target.Value = "Yes") Then
        If (Not Intersect(Target, Range("B3")) Is Nothing) And (Target.Value = "Yes") Then
    End If
    End If
End Sub
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Bonjour tout le monde,

Besoin d'aide, j'ai besoin d'effacer le contenu d'une cellule de la colonne "I" si la cellule (de la m锚me ligne) de la colonne "O" =0, sur environ 2000 lignes avec des titres tout le 10 lignes environ.
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Is it possible to clear specified cell contents if the trigger cell contains a specific number? Say, IF cell A1 = 1, then clear Cells A2:A4?
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