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Bagaimana cara memasukkan cap waktu saat ini ketika data di sel lain berubah di Excel?

Penulis: Siluvia Terakhir Dimodifikasi: 2020-06-16

Misalkan Anda menerima lembar kerja yang mengharuskan Anda untuk mengubah data di kolom tertentu. Dan setelah memodifikasi lembar kerja, Anda perlu memasukkan stempel waktu yang dimodifikasi agar orang lain tahu sel mana yang telah diubah. Bagaimana cara menghadapinya? Artikel ini akan menunjukkan kepada Anda metode memasukkan cap waktu saat ini ketika data di sel lain berubah di Excel seperti gambar di bawah ini.

Masukkan stempel waktu saat ini ketika data di sel lain berubah dengan kode VBA

Masukkan stempel waktu saat ini ketika data di sel lain berubah dengan kode VBA

Seperti gambar di bawah ini yang ditampilkan, Anda perlu mengisi cap waktu di kolom E jika sel yang sesuai di kolom C diubah. Silakan lakukan sebagai berikut.

1. Pada lembar kerja Anda perlu memodifikasi dan menandai dengan cap waktu, klik kanan tab lembar dan kemudian klik Lihat kode dari menu klik kanan.

2. Kemudian salin dan tempel kode VBA di bawah ini ke file Kode jendela dari Microsoft Visual Basic untuk Aplikasi jendela. Lihat tangkapan layar:

Kode VBA: Masukkan stempel waktu saat ini ketika data di sel lain berubah

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updated by Extendoffice 20180830
Dim xCellColumn As Integer
Dim xTimeColumn As Integer
Dim xRow, xCol As Integer
Dim xDPRg, xRg As Range
xCellColumn = 3
xTimeColumn = 5
xRow = Target.Row
xCol = Target.Column
If Target.Text <> "" Then
    If xCol = xCellColumn Then
       Cells(xRow, xTimeColumn) = Now()
        On Error Resume Next
        Set xDPRg = Target.Dependents
        For Each xRg In xDPRg
            If xRg.Column = xCellColumn Then
                Cells(xRg.Row, xTimeColumn) = Now()
            End If
    End If
End If
End Sub

Note: Dalam kode, angka 3 berarti Anda akan mengubah data di kolom C, dan 5 menunjukkan stempel waktu akan diisi ke kolom E. Silakan ubah sesuai kebutuhan Anda.

3. tekan lain + Q kunci untuk menutup Microsoft Visual Basic untuk Aplikasi jendela.

Mulai sekarang, saat mengubah data di kolom C, stempel waktu akan diisi ke sel yang sesuai di kolom E seperti gambar di bawah ini.

Ketik. Pemetik tanggal. itu Masukkan Tanggal kegunaan Kutools untuk Excel membantu Anda dengan cepat memasukkan tanggal dengan format tanggal tertentu ke dalam sel yang dipilih.
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Der VBA-Code funktioniert wunderbar. Gibt es eine M枚glichkeit den Code zu erweitern?

Jetzt gerade sie der Coade wie folgt aus:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updated by Extendoffice 20180830
Dim xCellColumn As Integer
Dim xTimeColumn As Integer
Dim xRow, xCol As Integer
Dim xDPRg, xRg As Range
xCellColumn = 10
xTimeColumn = 16
xRow = Target.Row
xCol = Target.Column
If Target.Text <> "" Then
If xCol = xCellColumn Then
Cells(xRow, xTimeColumn) = Now()
On Error Resume Next
Set xDPRg = Target.Dependents
For Each xRg In xDPRg
If xRg.Column = xCellColumn Then
Cells(xRg.Row, xTimeColumn) = Now()
End If
End If
End If
End Sub

Allerdings m枚chte ich gerne, dass ein Zeitstempel auch dann ausgegeben wird, wenn in Spalte 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 oder 13 eine 脛nderung erfolgt. WElche 脛nderung spielt keine Rolle, nur das es eine gab. Geht das?

Liebe Gr眉脽e
Paolo :-)
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Hi OP,

Not sure if you are still seeing this. I am trying to update this so that the formula picks up a range. I want Col E:I to be updated with a timestamp if Col J:N update to "Completed". Do you have the code for that?

Huzefa A.
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Hi Huzefa,

I don't know if I understand your question clearly. The following VBA code may help. Please give it a try.
The relationship is a 1:1 mapping between the columns. With this script, when a cell in column J is updated to "Completed", the timestamp will be inserted into the corresponding cell in column E. Similarly, updates to column K will affect column F, and so on.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updated by Extendoffice 20230816
    Dim IntersectRng As Range
    Dim TargetColumn As Integer

    ' Check if the changed cell is in columns J to N
    Set IntersectRng = Application.Intersect(Target, Me.Range("J:N"))

    If Not IntersectRng Is Nothing Then
        For Each cell In IntersectRng
            ' If the changed cell's value is "Completed"
            If cell.Value = "Completed" Then
                ' Calculate the target column in E:I
                TargetColumn = cell.Column - 5
                Me.Cells(cell.Row, TargetColumn).Value = Now()
            End If
        Next cell
    End If
End Sub
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How would I go about running this Macro in all of the sheets in my workbook? It is only working in the first sheet.
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Hi Jon,
The following VBA code can help. Please give it a try.
Note: This VBA code needs to be added to the ThisWorkbook (Code) window.
Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
'Updated by Extendoffice 20221208
Dim xCellColumn As Integer
Dim xTimeColumn As Integer
Dim xRow, xCol As Integer
Dim xDPRg, xRg As Range
xCellColumn = 3
xTimeColumn = 5
xRow = Target.Row
xCol = Target.Column
If Target.Text <> "" Then
    If xCol = xCellColumn Then
       Cells(xRow, xTimeColumn) = Now()
        On Error Resume Next
        Set xDPRg = Target.Dependents
        For Each xRg In xDPRg
            If xRg.Column = xCellColumn Then
                Cells(xRg.Row, xTimeColumn) = Now()
            End If
    End If
End If
End Sub
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Hallo !
Ich habe noch eine Frage zu dem oben angegebenen VBA-Code.
Bei meiner Tabelle befindet sich der Wert, f眉r den der Zeitstempel erstellt werden soll in Spalte G.
Der Wert in G errechnet sich aus der Summe der Werte in den Spalten K:AA.
Die Werte in K:AA ergeben sich aus einem anderen Tabellenblatt, unter Benutzung der Z盲hlenwenn-Funktion.
Wenn die Werte direkt in K:AA eingegeben werden aktualisiert sich der Zeitstempel wie gew眉nscht.
Wenn die Werte in K:AA durch "Z盲hlenwenn" aus einem anderen Tabellenblatt aktualisiert werden, 盲ndert sich der Zeitstempel nicht.

Hat jemand eine L枚sung f眉r mein Problem ?
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Hello Michael Rasche,
The formula issue cannot be handled yet. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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ich m枚chte auch gerne in einer Tabelle einen Zeitstempel setzen, und bin bei der Suche auf diese Seite gestossen.
Ich habe alles wie oben beschrieben eingegeben, jetzt ergibt sich noch folgendes Problem:
Der Zeitstempel soll sich 盲ndern, wenn sich der Wert in Spalte G 盲ndert, der Wert in Spalte bildet sich aus der Summe mehrerer Zellen (z.B. K 150 - AA 150) in der Reihe.
Wenn ich einen neuen Wert direkt in die Zellen eingebe funktioniert das VBA.
Bei meiner Tabelle 盲ndern sich die Werte in z.B. K 150 - AA 150 aber durch die "Z盲hlenwenn" Funktion aus einem anderen Tabellenblatt, wenn sich dann die Summe erh枚ht, 盲ndert sich der Zeitstempel nicht.
Hat jemand eine L枚sung f眉r mich ?
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how do I add this on two columns? to have two timestamps for two column on input???
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Hi, finally I found this post. Thankyou I Needed this. But can anyone help me, I want to change the code so that instead of tracking the changes on the current worksheet, I want the code to track the changes on selected Columns from other worksheet, then insert the timestamp to the current worksheet.
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Hi, finally i found this post. Thankyou I Needed this. But can anyone help me, I want to change the code so that instead of tracking the changes on the current worksheet, I want the code to track the changes on selected Columns from other worksheet, then insert the timestamp to the current worksheet.
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Hi, This is great info, but I'm having problem. I would like to use for change in column A time stamp column B and change in column D with time stamp column E and change in column G with time stamp column H. I can not figure out. Help please.
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Hi, Is there a chance you can help me? I have tried the VBA code for the timestamp:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updated by Extendoffice 20180830
Dim xCellColumn As Integer
Dim xTimeColumn As Integer
Dim xRow, xCol As Integer
Dim xDPRg, xRg As Range
xCellColumn = 3
xTimeColumn = 5
xRow = Target.Row
xCol = Target.Column
If Target.Text <> "" Then
If xCol = xCellColumn Then
Cells(xRow, xTimeColumn) = Now()
On Error Resume Next
Set xDPRg = Target.Dependents
For Each xRg In xDPRg
If xRg.Column = xCellColumn Then
Cells(xRg.Row, xTimeColumn) = Now()
End If
End If
End If
End Sub

My problem is that I have to add dates in column 22 and I need the timestamp in column 21. The above code does not work in my sheet. I have tried it with timestamp functions and formulas, but it always changes it to the date when I opened the workbook.
I also tried to work with conditional formatting that the another cell changes the colour when the cell with the timestamp is not todays date, but this does not work either. Can you let me know what I do wrong?
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Hi Lina,
Do you mean manually enter dates in column 22 and then populate timestamp automatically in adjacent cells in column 21?
You just need to change the column numbers in the code to get it down. If you only want to display time, replace the NOW() with Time() in the code. See the below code.

<div data-tag="code">Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updated by Extendoffice 20201106
Dim xCellColumn As Integer
Dim xTimeColumn As Integer
Dim xRow, xCol As Integer
Dim xDPRg, xRg As Range
xCellColumn = 22
xTimeColumn = 21
xRow = Target.Row
xCol = Target.Column
If Target.Text <> "" Then
If xCol = xCellColumn Then
Cells(xRow, xTimeColumn) = Time()
On Error Resume Next
Set xDPRg = Target.Dependents
For Each xRg In xDPRg
If xRg.Column = xCellColumn Then
Cells(xRg.Row, xTimeColumn) = Time()
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
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Thank you for your response. Yes, that's what I wanted to do. I tried the above VBA code before but for some reason it did not work, but it works fine now. Thank you for your help
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