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Bagaimana cara menambahkan jumlah hari kerja / kerja atau jam ke tanggal di Excel?

Penulis: Siluvia Terakhir Dimodifikasi: 2020-09-01

Anda mungkin perlu menambahkan beberapa hari atau jam kerja ke suatu tanggal untuk mengetahui waktu yang tepat Anda akan menyelesaikan tugas selama waktu kerja. Pada artikel ini, kami akan menunjukkan kepada Anda metode menambahkan jumlah hari kerja / kerja atau jam ke tanggal di Excel.

Tambahkan jumlah hari kerja ke tanggal dengan formula

Tambahkan jumlah jam kerja ke tanggal dengan formula

Tambahkan jumlah hari kerja ke tanggal dengan formula

Misalkan tanggal 2016/1/5 terletak di sel A2, jika Anda ingin menambahkan 12 hari saja termasuk hari kerja tanpa akhir pekan, lakukan hal berikut.

1. Pilih sel kosong, masukkan rumus = WORKDAY (A2,12) ke dalam Formula Bar, lalu tekan Enter kunci. Lihat tangkapan layar:

Kemudian Anda akan mendapatkan tanggal setelah menambahkan 12 hari kerja.


1. Dalam rumusnya, A2 adalah sel berisi tanggal yang ingin Anda tambahkan hari kerja, 12 adalah jumlah hari kerja yang akan Anda tambahkan ke tanggal. Harap ubah sesuai kebutuhan Anda.

2. Dengan rumus diatas, anda akan mendapatkan hasil diluar akhir pekan. Tetapi mungkin termasuk beberapa hari libur setelah menghitung. Jika Anda ingin mengecualikan akhir pekan dan hari libur, harap terapkan rumus ini = WORKDAY (A2, B2, C2).

doc menambahkan jam kerja hari ke tanggal 1

Dalam rumus ini, A2 berisi tanggal Anda akan menambahkan hari kerja, B2 berisi jumlah hari kerja, dan C2 menunjukkan tanggal hari libur.

3. Setelah menerapkan rumus, jika Anda mendapatkan angka 5-digit, harap ubah format sel ke format tanggal.

Tambahkan jumlah jam kerja ke tanggal dengan formula

Misalkan Anda memiliki tanggal dan waktu mulai, jumlah jam kerja yang perlu ditambahkan, waktu mulai dan berakhir jam kerja Anda dan hari libur yang ingin Anda kecualikan seperti gambar di bawah ini. Untuk menambahkan jumlah jam kerja ke tanggal tersebut, lakukan hal berikut.

doc menambahkan jam kerja hari ke tanggal 1

1. Pilih sel kosong (mengatakan sel C2), masukkan rumus berikut ke dalam bilah rumus, lalu tekan Enter kunci.

+ WAKTU (MOD (B2,8), MOD (MOD (B2,8), 1) * 60,0))

Kemudian Anda dapat melihat hasilnya seperti gambar di bawah ini.

doc menambahkan jam kerja hari ke tanggal 1


1. Dalam rumusnya, A2 adalah sel berisi tanggal, B2 berisi jam kerja yang akan Anda tambahkan ke tanggal, E2 dan F2 adalah waktu mulai dan akhir jam kerja Anda, dan $ G $ 2 adalah tanggal hari libur tertentu. Anda dapat mengubahnya berdasarkan kebutuhan Anda.

2. Jika Anda mendapatkan angka setelah menerapkan rumus ini, harap ubah format sel ke format tanggal dan waktu.

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Deskripsi Produk

Tab Office Membawa antarmuka Tab ke Office, dan Membuat Pekerjaan Anda Jauh Lebih Mudah

  • Aktifkan pengeditan dan pembacaan tab di Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access, Visio, dan Project.
  • Buka dan buat banyak dokumen di tab baru di jendela yang sama, bukan di jendela baru.
  • Meningkatkan produktivitas Anda sebesar 50%, dan mengurangi ratusan klik mouse untuk Anda setiap hari!
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I have copy and pasted the formula below from the Add Number Of Business Hours To A Date With Formula step above. What is the equivalent formula where you could start with an end date and work backwards to the start date (instead of starting with the start date to find the end date).

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This should be a simple one for you guys but I am working in a dealership and trying to create a simple formula that will automatically calculate how many working days we have in a month... example (6 days a week, because we work every Saturday but we are closed every Sunday). Thanks in advance for your help.
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Hi Joshua Player,
For example, you need to count the number of working days in semptember including every Saturday. You need to do as follows:
1. Enter the start date and the end date of September in different cells, such as the start date 9/1/2022 in B1 and the last date 9/30/2022 in B2.
2. Apply one of the following formulas.
If you don't need to exclude holidays, apply this formula and press the Enter key to get the result:
If you need to exclude holidays (suppose the holiday dates listed in B3:C3), apply this formula and press the Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys to get the result
=SUMPRODUCT(--(TEXT(ROW(INDIRECT(B1&":"&B2)),"dddd")<>"Sunday"))-SUMPRODUCT(--IF((B3:C3>=B1)*(B3:C3<=B2),(TEXT(B3:C3,"dddd")<>"Sunday"), FALSE))
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Hello Everyone,

Add Number Of Business Hours To A Date With Formula

I am not an expert but it gives me an error, everytime I insert the formula on the C2 cell. I followed all the instructions.
I have already formated all cells to time and date but still get an error saying that the formula contains an error.
Can someone explain or upload or send me an excel file with the formula already prepared?
Thanks in advance
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Hi Renato,
Can you provide a screenshot of the formula error you encountered? Here I upload an Excel workbook with the formula prepared. Please download it and have a try.
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Hi Crystal,

Thank you so much! I have downloaded the excel workbook and now it works.
Thanks again!
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Good afternoon Sir,

How to get end date and time if i have start day and time together and to add "n" working hours excluding non working hours.

example 1) if start date=02/06/2022 02:00 and to add 4:00 working hours and the working hours are from 08:00 to 18:00 and the non working hours to be excluded are of from 18:00 to 08:00 and the end date should be like 02/06/2022 12:00. what is the formula for this one sir.
2) if start date=02/06/2022 16:00 and to add 4:00 working hours and the working hours are from 08:00 to 18:00 the and the non working hours to be excluded are of from 18:00 to 08:00 and the end date should be like 03/06/2022 10:00. what is the formula for this one sir.

In CCC to be completed time also same formula given sir.

Can u please help me with the formula sir?
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How Can I add hours with working date+time. For E.g, This is the time 20/10/21 8:00am and I need to add hours with in working days and I need to add 4 hours(assume), and there are working hours between 08:00 to 05:00 and there are no holidays. How to add?
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Hi, Supposing your case as shown in the screenshot below, to get a future date and time that falls within specified working hours, please try this formula:<div data-tag="code">=WORKDAY(A2,INT(B2/8)+IF(TIME(HOUR(A2),MINUTE(A2),SECOND(A2))+TIME(MOD(B2,8),MOD(MOD(B2,8),1)*60,0)>$E$2,1,0))+IF(TIME(HOUR(A2),MINUTE(A2),SECOND(A2))+TIME(MOD(B2,8),MOD(MOD(B2,8),1)*60,0)>$E$2,$D$2+TIME(HOUR(A2),MINUTE(A2),SECOND(A2))+TIME(MOD(B2,8),MOD(MOD(B2,8),1)*60,0)-$E$2,TIME(HOUR(A2),MINUTE(A2),SECOND(A2))+TIME(MOD(B2,8),MOD(MOD(B2,8),1)*60,0))
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the formula adding work hours works mathwise, but it wont display the accurate time, just says 0:00. anyone know why?
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can some help me to get a formula for below condition
I am unable to get the time , If i do =WORKDAY.INTL(A2,B2,1) ---Output is : Deal Date: 9/11/2018 0:00, Where the time is not coming up, As time should come with 18:34 PM

A2: Deal Date :9/7/2018 18:34 PM
B2: Days: 2
Output is :New Deal Date: 9/11/2018 0:00

Required Output is 9/11/2018 18:34 PM - Plz help me with the formula!
9/7/2018 - Friday , I need to add 2 days excluding weekends, So if i add 2 days to 9/7/2018(Friday ) its Tuesday (9/11/2018) by removing the Sat & Sun.
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Hi Harish,
Sorry can't help you with that yet. Thanks for your comment.
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How to add a cell in the excel says that maximum hours per day (i.e., 8 hours) The time calculation to be bound by 8 hours per day. Please help me if we can have the spread sheet cap the calculation at 8.?
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How to get cells in excel formula (H6; H7; H8; H9)
Forma C2 = =WORKDAY(B2;MAX(ROUNDUP((E2-IF((COUNTIF($J$4:$J$91;INT(B2))=0)*(WEEKDAY(B2;2)<=5);IF(MOD(B2;1)>$H$3;0;IF(MOD(B2;1)>=$H$5;(H3-MOD(B2;1))*24;($H$3-MAX(MOD(B2;1);$H$2)-($H$5-MAX(MOD(B2;1);$H$4)))*24));0))/(($H$3-$H$2-($H$5-$H$4))*24);0);0);$J$4:$J$91)+$H$2+(IFERROR(CEILING(MOD((E2-IF((COUNTIF($J$4:$J$91;INT(B2))=0)*(WEEKDAY(B2;2)<=5);IF(MOD(B2;1)>$H$3;0;IF(MOD(B2;1)>=$H$5;($H$3-MOD(B2;1))*24;($H$3-MAX(MOD(B2;1);$H$2)-($H$5-MAX(MOD(B2;1);$H$4)))*24));0))/(($H$3-$H$2-($H$5-$H$4))*24);1)-0,00000001;0,00000001);1)*($H$3-$H$2-($H$5-$H$4))*24+(IFERROR(CEILING(MOD((E2-IF((COUNTIF($J$4:$J$91;INT(B2))=0)*(WEEKDAY(B2;2)<=5);IF(MOD(B2;1)>H3;0;IF(MOD(B2;1)>=$H$5;($H$3-MOD(B2;1))*24;($H$3-MAX(MOD(B2;1);$H$2)-($H$5-MAX(MOD(B2;1);$H$4)))*24));0))/(($H$3-$H$2-($H$5-$H$4))*24);1)-0,00000001;0,00000001);1)*($H$3-$H$2-($H$5-$H$4))*24>($H$4-$H$2)*24)*($H$5-$H$4)*24)/24

and C3 = =WORKDAY(B3;MAX(ROUNDUP((E3-IF((COUNTIF($J$4:$J$91;INT(B3))=0)*(WEEKDAY(B3;2)<=5);IF(MOD(B3;1)>$H$3;0;IF(MOD(B3;1)>=$H$5;(H4-MOD(B3;1))*24;($H$3-MAX(MOD(B3;1);$H$2)-($H$5-MAX(MOD(B3;1);$H$4)))*24));0))/(($H$3-$H$2-($H$5-$H$4))*24);0);0);$J$4:$J$91)+$H$2+(IFERROR(CEILING(MOD((E3-IF((COUNTIF($J$4:$J$91;INT(B3))=0)*(WEEKDAY(B3;2)<=5);IF(MOD(B3;1)>$H$3;0;IF(MOD(B3;1)>=$H$5;($H$3-MOD(B3;1))*24;($H$3-MAX(MOD(B3;1);$H$2)-($H$5-MAX(MOD(B3;1);$H$4)))*24));0))/(($H$3-$H$2-($H$5-$H$4))*24);1)-0,00000001;0,00000001);1)*($H$3-$H$2-($H$5-$H$4))*24+(IFERROR(CEILING(MOD((E3-IF((COUNTIF($J$4:$J$91;INT(B3))=0)*(WEEKDAY(B3;2)<=5);IF(MOD(B3;1)>H4;0;IF(MOD(B3;1)>=$H$5;($H$3-MOD(B3;1))*24;($H$3-MAX(MOD(B3;1);$H$2)-($H$5-MAX(MOD(B3;1);$H$4)))*24));0))/(($H$3-$H$2-($H$5-$H$4))*24);1)-0,00000001;0,00000001);1)*($H$3-$H$2-($H$5-$H$4))*24>($H$4-$H$2)*24)*($H$5-$H$4)*24)/24
But the correct value is in D2 and D3. How to get it?
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