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Dengan mudah membaca / melihat sejumlah besar baris dan kolom di Excel

Pengarang: Xiaoyang Terakhir Dimodifikasi: 2023-08-16

Kutools untuk Excel

Meningkatkan Excel Dengan 300+
Fitur Kuat

Jika Anda mengerjakan lembar kerja yang berisi data besar dengan ratusan baris dan kolom, Anda mungkin akan dengan mudah mendapatkan teka-teki saat memeriksa dan melompati data dari satu data ke data lainnya yang akan membuang-buang waktu. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, Fokus Grid kegunaan Kutools untuk Excel menyorot seluruh baris dan kolom untuk membuat sel atau rentang aktif menonjol seperti gambar di bawah ini. Demo

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Aktifkan utilitas Grid Focus

Klik Kutools > Fokus Kisi untuk mengaktifkan utilitas ini, saat Grid Focus diaktifkan, tab disorot.
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Pengaturan Fokus Kisi

Jika Anda ingin mengubah pengaturan seperti bentuk, gaya, warna atau transparansi, Anda dapat pergi ke Pengaturan Fokus Kisis dialog untuk berubah.

Klik Kutools tab, dan klik panah di samping Fokus Kisi untuk memperluas menu drop-down, lalu klik Pengaturan Fokus Kisi.
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Dalam majalah Pengaturan Fokus Kisi dialog, Anda dapat mengubah bentuk, gaya, warna dan transparansi sesuai kebutuhan, juga pada saat yang sama Anda dapat melihat perubahan dalam Preview bagian sebelum Anda menerapkan perubahan.
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Tentang Kami Sorot area sel aktif dan Sorot area pada pengeditan sel Pilihan.

Mencentang Sorot area sel aktif opsi, sel atau rentang aktif akan disorot.

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Hapus centang Sorot area sel aktif opsi, tapi centang Sorot area pada pengeditan sel opsi, sel atau rentang aktif tidak akan disorot, tetapi area luapan disorot.

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Hapus centang keduanya Sorot area sel aktif dan Sorot area pada pengeditan sel opsi, sel atau rentang aktif dan area luapan tidak akan disorot.

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Aktifkan Fokus Kisi: centang opsi ini, setelah pengaturan dan klik OK, Fokus Kisi akan diaktifkan secara otomatis.

Pengaturan Default: klik tombol ini, pengaturan Grid Focus telah dikembalikan ke pengaturan default Kutools.


1. Anda dapat membatalkan utilitas ini dengan mengklik Fokus Kisi perintah, tab berubah menjadi abu-abu terang.

2. Jika Anda membuka beberapa file Excel, ini Fokus Kisi fitur diterapkan ke semuanya.

3. Ini Fokus Kisi tidak akan diaktifkan secara otomatis saat Anda meluncurkan buku kerja di lain waktu.

Demo Fokus Kisi

Kutools untuk Excel: Lebih dari 300 alat praktis di ujung jari Anda! Mulai uji coba gratis 30 hari Anda tanpa batasan fitur hari ini. Download Sekarang!

    Alat Produktivitas Direkomendasikan
    Alat berikut dapat sangat menghemat waktu dan uang Anda, mana yang tepat untuk Anda?
    Office Tab: Menggunakan tab praktis di Office Anda, seperti Chrome, Firefox, dan New Internet Explorer.
    Kutools untuk Excel: Lebih dari 300 Fungsi Lanjutan untuk Excel 2021, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 dan Office 365.

    Kutools untuk Excel

    Fungsionalitas yang dijelaskan di atas hanyalah salah satu dari 300 fungsi Kutools for Excel yang hebat.

    Dirancang untuk Excel(Office) 2021, 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 dan Office 365. Unduh dan gunakan gratis selama 30 hari.

    Cuplikan layar Kutools for Excel

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Comments (17)
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Why doesn't it open automatically at startup? it would be nice to remember the last setting
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Hello, Mennan,
Sorry for the inconvenience, for the stability of the function, our feature is disabled when opening next time at present, but the last setting and operation can be remembered.
Thanks for your comment.
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I have a problem with the reading layout. Every time when I start it, it behaves strangely. It "chose" a smaller size of the sheet than it is actually on my screen and it works in that sheet. Eg: if I see on my screen columns range from A up to AC and rows range from 1 up to 39, the reading layout chooses that my columns range from A up to half of X and rows range from 1 up to half of 32 and works in that let's call it window.
I tried to uninstall kutools and install it again, but the same problem remains.
Any wise advice would be appreciated from my side.
I am running MS office professional plus 2021.

Thanks in advance
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I might detected the problem. I am running 3 displays, one from a laptop 15,6" and two others 24" over wavlink dock. All three displays are running at a resolution of 1920 x 1080. My main display is from the laptop.
I am using excel on another two 24" displays just because they have a bigger screen. When I put excel on the laptop window reading layout behaves as it should, and that is the exact size of the sheet that I previously described as a smaller window.
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Hello, Dejan,
Thanks for your comment.
I have fed back this problem to the developers, if there is a an upgrade or fixed, we will let you know in the first time.
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If you make this auto load when opening excel I will buy this product. :D
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Hi, Andrei

Thanks for your comment, your suggestion has been fed back to the developers, if there's an upgrade, I'll let you know in the first time. 😄
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Very Good Service Nice blog
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Hello, Thanks for sharing this informative blog with us.
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This feature is great. Bear in mind I had an existing Excel file where this button was ALWAYS disabled. I had to copy-and-paste the data out of the file and save it into a new file to get the "Reading Layout" button to enable. It then worked fine.
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Please try to update to the latest version. We have enhanced it.🙂
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se eu compra a licença consigo instalar mais de uma vez no pc ou só serve uma vez ?
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This solved one of my biggest headaches. I have one program that outputs a report that when exported to Excell it creates 200 worksheets! I have never been able to use it until now. Merging all of them into one worksheet only takes a few minutes with Kutools.
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Thanks A lot of this product, mainly its use for reading layout & shortcuts of left side menu
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My OS: Windows 7 Pro fully updated My Excel: 2010 My sheet: Range R1C6:R504C6 is in use PROBLEM: READING LAYOUT FAILS TO FILL ROW AND COLUMN SELECTED 1. Magnification: 60% 2. Rows 313-355 show 3. Cell R354:C6 selected 4. Column 5 fills to row 323. Row 354 no fill 5. Mag to 50% 6. Rows 311-357 show 7. Column 5 fills top to bottom. Row 354 fills left to right 8. Mag to 60%. Goto 4. 9. Mag to 70%. 10. Rows 319-354 show 11. Column 6 fills to row 325. Row 354 is empty. 12. Click R354:C6 13. No change! 14. WHY? NOTE: At 60% magnification selecting any cell on visible sheet on rows greater than 323 demonstrates same problem. Selecting row 323 or lower i.e R320 the function works as expected with row and column selected but only to row 323!
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Please try to update to the latest version. We have enhanced it.
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