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Bagaimana cara batch mengkonversi dokumen Word ke file txt?

Penulis: Siluvia Terakhir Dimodifikasi: 2018-11-23

Artikel ini berbicara tentang cara mengonversi batch semua dokumen Word di folder tertentu untuk memisahkan file TXT di Word.

Batch mengkonversi dokumen Word ke file txt dengan VBA

Batch mengkonversi dokumen Word ke file txt dengan VBA

Kode VBA di bawah ini dapat membantu mengonversi semua dokumen Word di folder tertentu ke file txt sekaligus. Silakan lakukan sebagai berikut.

1. Dalam dokumen Word, tekan lain + F11 kunci untuk membuka Microsoft Visual Basic untuk Aplikasi jendela.

2. Dalam Microsoft Visual Basic untuk Aplikasi window, klik Menyisipkan > Modul, lalu salin kode di bawah ini ke jendela Modul.

Kode VBA: Batch mengkonversi dokumen Word ke file txt

Sub ConvertDocumentsToTxt()
'Updated by Extendoffice 20181123
    Dim xIndex As Long
    Dim xFolder As Variant
    Dim xFileStr As String
    Dim xFilePath As String
    Dim xDlg As FileDialog
    Dim xActPath As String
    Dim xDoc As Document
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set xDlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
    If xDlg.Show <> -1 Then Exit Sub
    xFolder = xDlg.SelectedItems(1)
    xFileStr = Dir(xFolder & "\*.doc")
    xActPath = ActiveDocument.Path
    While xFileStr <> ""
        xFilePath = xFolder & "\" & xFileStr
        If xFilePath <> xActPath Then
            Set xDoc = Documents.Open(xFilePath, AddToRecentFiles:=False, Visible:=False)
            xIndex = InStrRev(xFilePath, ".")
            Debug.Print Left(xFilePath, xIndex - 1) & ".txt"
            xDoc.SaveAs Left(xFilePath, xIndex - 1) & ".txt", FileFormat:=wdFormatText, AddToRecentFiles:=False
            xDoc.Close True
        End If
        xFileStr = Dir()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

3. tekan F5 kunci untuk menjalankan kode.

4. Dalam Browse jendela, pilih folder berisi dokumen Word yang akan Anda konversi ke file txt, dan klik OK tombol. Lihat tangkapan layar:

Kemudian Anda dapat melihat semua dokumen di folder yang dipilih diubah menjadi file txt sekaligus. Lihat tangkapan layar:

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Comments (22)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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Vielen Dank, das ist wirklich sehr hilfreich! Ich werde auf Deine Seite bei der nächsten Gelegenheit verweisen.
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Hi, this works perfectly. Is there a way to choose a different encoding format of the TXT (UTF-8 instead of Windows for example) ?
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Hi Simon,
The following VBA code helps to convert all Word documents in a specified folder to UTF-8 .txt files
Sub ConvertDocumentsToTxt()
'Updated by Extendoffice 20201031
    Dim xIndex As Long
    Dim xFolder As Variant
    Dim xFileStr As String
    Dim xFilePath As String
    Dim xDlg As FileDialog
    Dim xActPath As String
    Dim xDoc As Document
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set xDlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
    If xDlg.Show <> -1 Then Exit Sub
    xFolder = xDlg.SelectedItems(1)
    xFileStr = Dir(xFolder & "\*.doc")
    xActPath = ActiveDocument.Path
    While xFileStr <> ""
        xFilePath = xFolder & "\" & xFileStr
        If xFilePath <> xActPath Then
            Set xDoc = Documents.Open(xFilePath, AddToRecentFiles:=False, Visible:=False)
            xIndex = InStrRev(xFilePath, ".")
            xDoc.SaveAs Left(xFilePath, xIndex - 1) & ".txt", FileFormat:=wdFormatText, AddToRecentFiles:=False, Encoding:=msoEncodingUTF8
            xDoc.Close True
        End If
        xFileStr = Dir()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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Merci beaucoup ! La conversion se fait très bien
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Many thanks
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Hello, Thank you for this post. When I hit "run", I get an error message:"Compile Error: Invalid Outside Procedure." This is whether I use the doc or the docx extension (maybe unrelated but I tried both.) Please can you help? I have no idea how to use code.... and really need to convert a ton of docs. Thank you!
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Hi Durga,
The code works well in my case.
Please make sure that the Module (Code) window contains only the VBA code provided in the post.
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That worked a treat! Thanks!
Rated 5 out of 5
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I NEED them to convert to delimited text files is this possible still.
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I used the script above to batch convert documents in Korean, but the script did not work. When I tired to change the encoding, Can anyone help me with this error?
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Thanks for this - I was just going to code something myself when I thought, "Hey perhaps someone has done this already?" You had, and a deal more elegantly than I would have done. Thanks you for your hard work.
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The script works great for me, but only for one folder. Is there any way to include all subfolders?
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Thank you a lot! Worked like a charm!
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Worked rapidly and perfectly on a folder full of .docx files. I thank you/
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Hi, the code works but at the end gives me 'Runtime error 91', some of my files have objects. Any idea how can I fix this?
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