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Bagaimana cara membuat daftar drop-down dependen di dokumen Word?

Penulis: Siluvia Terakhir Dimodifikasi: 2022-05-20

Seperti screenshot kiri yang ditampilkan, Anda perlu membatasi pilihan di daftar drop-down kedua berdasarkan opsi di drop-down pertama, bagaimana Anda bisa melakukannya? Artikel ini akan menunjukkan metode untuk membuat daftar drop-down dependen dalam dokumen Word.

Buat daftar drop-down dependen di Word dengan kode VBA

Buat daftar drop-down dependen di Word dengan kode VBA

Kode VBA di bawah ini dapat membantu Anda membuat daftar drop-down dependen dalam dokumen Word. Silakan ikuti petunjuk langkah demi langkah.

1. Pertama, Anda perlu memasukkan dua daftar drop-down ke dalam dokumen Word Anda. Klik Pengembang > Formulir Warisan > Bidang Formulir Drop-Down. Lihat tangkapan layar:

2. Klik kanan daftar drop-down pertama (daftar drop-down ini harus menjadi yang induk), dan klik Properties. Lihat tangkapan layar:

3. Dalam pembukaan Opsi Bidang Formulir Drop-down kotak dialog, Anda perlu:

3.1 Masukkan kategori ke dalam Item drop-down kotak dan kemudian klik Add , ulangi operasi hingga semua kategori ditambahkan ke item dalam kotak daftar turun bawah.

3.2 Masuk ddfood.dll ke dalam Bookmark kotak.

3.3 Klik tombol OK tombol. Lihat tangkapan layar:

4. Klik kanan daftar buka-bawah kedua, klik Properties untuk membuka nya Opsi Bidang Formulir Drop-down kotak dialog, dan di dalam dialog, enter ddKategori ke dalam Bookmark kotak dan klik OK tombol. Lihat tangkapan layar:

5. tekan lain + F11 kunci untuk membuka Microsoft Visual Basic untuk Aplikasi jendela.

6. Dalam Microsoft Visual Basic untuk Aplikasi window, klik Menyisipkan > Modul, lalu salin kode VBA di bawah ini ke jendela Modul.

Kode VBA: Buat daftar drop-down dependen di Word

Sub Populateddfood()
'Update by Extendoffice 2018/10/25
    Dim xDirection As FormField
    Dim xState As FormField
    On Error Resume Next
    Set xDirection = ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddfood")
    Set xState = ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddCategory")
    If ((xDirection Is Nothing) Or (xState Is Nothing)) Then Exit Sub
    With xState.DropDown.ListEntries
        Select Case xDirection.Result
            Case "Fruit"
                .Add "Apple"
                .Add "Banana"
                .Add "Peach"
                .Add "Lychee"
                .Add "Watermelon"
            Case "Vegetable"
                .Add "Cabbage"
                .Add "Onion"
            Case "Meat"
                .Add "Pork"
                .Add "Beef"
                .Add "Mutton"
        End Select
    End With
End Sub


1. Dalam kode, harap ubah item di bawah setiap kasus sesuai kebutuhan Anda.

2. ddfood.dll dan ddKategori harus cocok dengan opsi Bookmark yang Anda masukkan di atas dua Opsi Bidang Formulir Drop-down kotak dialog.

7. Simpan kode dan kembali ke dokumen.

8. Klik kanan daftar drop-down pertama dan klik Properties untuk membuka Opsi Bidang Formulir Drop-down kotak dialog. Pada kotak dialog, pilih nama Makro di atas (di sini adalah Popolateddfood) dari Exit daftar drop-down, dan kemudian klik OK .

9. Sekarang klik Pengembang > Batasi Pengeditan seperti gambar di bawah ini.

10. Dalam Batasi Pengeditan panel, Anda perlu:

10.1) Periksa Izinkan hanya jenis pengeditan ini di dalam dokumen kotak;

10.2) Pilih Mengisi formulir opsi dari daftar drop-down;

10.3) Klik Ya, Start Enforcing Protection tombol;

10.4) Di Mulai Menerapkan Perlindungan dialog, masukkan kata sandi dan klik OK tombol. Lihat tangkapan layar:

Sekarang daftar drop-down dependen dibuat. Saat memilih Buah di daftar drop-down pertama, hanya kategori buah yang bisa dipilih di daftar kedua.

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Hi there,

I have managed to follow the steps, thanks for your help.

I can't find my code when pressing Alt+F11 though? My drop downs are still there but I can't find the back coding?
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Hi Crystal, thanks for the tutorial, it was useful and well written. Is it possible to add a third dropdown list with options that change depending on what is selected from the second dropdown list?
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Hi Jack,

You can add a third drop-down list with options that change depending on what is selected from the second drop-down list. But you need to insert another "Drop-Down Form Field" and a new VBA code in advance.
1. Follow the steps from 1 to 4 in the post to create the first and second drop-down list and modify the properties.
2. Insert the third Drop-Down Form Field, double click to open it's Properties dialog box, enter a name in the Bookmark textbox (the same as the operation for the first and second drop-down lists) , in this case, I made up a random name called ddTaste, and then click OK.
3. Open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window, enter the VBA code provided in the article into the Module1. Then insert a new Module (called Module2), copy and paste the following VBA code into this Module2.
VBA code: Use for the third dependent drop-down list

Sub PopulateddTaste()
Select Case ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddCategory").Result
Case "Apple"
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddTaste").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "AA"
.Add "BB"
End With
Case "Banana"
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddTaste").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "CC"
.Add "DD"
End With
Case "Peach"
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddTaste").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "EE"
.Add "FF"
End With
Case "Lychee"
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddTaste").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "GG"
.Add "HH"
End With
Case "Watermelon"
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddTaste").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "II"
.Add "JJ"
End With
Case "Cabbage"
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddTaste").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "LL"
.Add "MM"
End With
Case "Onion"
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddTaste").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "OO"
.Add "PP"
End With
Case "Pork"
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddTaste").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "QQ"
.Add "RR"
End With
Case "Beef"
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddTaste").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "SS"
.Add "TT"
End With
Case "Mutton"
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddTaste").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "UU"
.Add "VV"
End With
End Select
End Sub

Note: In the code, AA, BB, CC... are the items you want to show in the third drop-down list, based on what was selected from the second drop-down list. For example, when you select "Apple" in the second drop-down, the third drop-down list will display the items AA and BB. Please modify this items to meet your needs.
4. Save the code and go back to the document. Follow the step 8 in the article to specify the macro for the first drop-down.
5. Double click the second drop-down list, choose "PopulateddTaste" in the Exist drop-down list.
6. Then follow the step 8 to restrict editing in this document.
Now you have create a three level drop-down list.
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Thanks for getting back to me, your time and help is appreciated.
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ist das ganze auch unter Outlook möglich. Leider bekomme ich das so nicht hin da die Eigenschaften des Dropdown Menüs ganz anders aussehen.

Ich wollte unter Aufgaben einen Reparaturauftrag erstellen wo man Gebäude,Bereich und dan Zimmernummer oder Bezeichnung auwählen kann.

Ist das möglich in Outlook/Aufgaben?

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You can create a drop-down list with custom field in Outlook Task window by following the steps in this article:
How To Add A Drop Down List With Custom Filed In Outlook Task Window?
Or create a drop-down list in word then copy and paste it into the Task window as you need.
But if you want to create dependent drop-down lists in Outlook Task, no method has been found yet.
Sorry about that.
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Hi, many thx for the detailed tutorial, but I have a question since the word template is for others' use. You mentioned protecting mode and a password is a must, this can do if I tell them the password, then there is a conflict: there are some other blanks which are needed to be filled in, this cannot be done only if the protecting mode is off. What should I do? Is there any method to meet both 2 needs?
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Hi, thx for the detailed tutorial, but I have a question since the word template is for others' use, 
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This was extremely helpful, thank you.
I have a question, is there a way to modify the code so that when I select a new item from the first drop-down list, the dependent one will clear up?
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Sorry for the late reply, only stumbled upon this page today :-)
It already does that. The first statement inside the Select case ... End select construction clears the second list. If none of the criteria are met, nothing is added.
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Hello, for some reason I cannot modify anything else in the word file if the drop down list is active. Is there a way to avoid that?

Thank you
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I have the same issue has anyone been able to help on this one
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چیکار باید بکنم؟
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I am using this same code however the text that I replacing the ddcategory with has 100 plus words. Is there anyway to wrap the text to prevent it from going off of the page and disappearing?
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I have the same problem!! :0
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Thank you for this very useful resource.

Is it possible to repeat the same dependent drop down multiple times within a form?

I need the form filler to assign a category to each new row (but with the same options each time).I have successfully created the drop downs but when I restrict editing to test they seem to reset themselves as I work down the rows.

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