Loncat ke daftar isi utama

Bagaimana cara membuat daftar isi link ke halaman di dokumen Word?

Di Word, sebagian besar waktu, Anda mungkin mengetik banyak konten ke dalam dokumen. Dan untuk membaca halaman dengan lebih baik, Anda dapat membaginya menjadi beberapa bagian, seperti daftar gambar, daftar tabel, abstrak dan sebagainya. Tapi pernahkah Anda mencoba membuat daftar isi tautan ke halaman seperti gambar di bawah ini, sehingga Anda dapat dengan cepat pergi ke bagian tertentu sambil mengklik tautan? Dalam tutorial ini, saya memperkenalkan metode pada daftar daftar isi yang dapat diklik dalam dokumen Word.
doc daftar isi link ke halaman 1

Buat daftar isi link ke halaman relatif di Word

Buat daftar isi link ke halaman relatif di Word

1. Pertama, gunakan Gaya bawah Beranda tab secara konsisten di seluruh dokumen Anda untuk membuat struktur Anda sendiri di dokumen Anda.
doc daftar isi link ke halaman 2

Pada artikel ini, struktur saya terlihat seperti ini:

  • Daftar Gambar (Heading 6)
  • Daftar Tabel (Heading 6)
  • Ucapan Terima Kasih (Heading 6)
  • Abstrak (Heading 6)
  • 1. Pendahuluan (Heading 1)
  • 1.1 Sub-bagian pengantar (Heading 2)
  • 1.2 Sub-bagian pengantar (Heading 2)
  • 1.3 Sub-bagian pengantar (Heading 2)
  • 1.3.1 Sub-bagian (Judul 3)
  • 2. Hipotesis dan Tujuan (Heading 1)

2. Sekarang tempatkan kursor pada posisi yang Anda inginkan untuk menyisipkan daftar isi yang dapat ditautkan, klik Referensi > Daftar Isi > Daftar Isi Kustom.
doc daftar isi link ke halaman 3

3. Dalam Daftar Isi dialog, simpan Tunjukkan nomor halaman, Nomor halaman rata kanan dan Gunakan hyperlink, bukan nomor halaman opsi dicentang, klik Opsi.
doc daftar isi link ke halaman 4

4. Dalam Opsi Daftar Isi dialog, berikan level ke heading relatif yang Anda gunakan, dalam kasus saya, saya memberikan Heading 1 dan Heading 6 level 1.
doc daftar isi link ke halaman 5

5. klik OK > OK. Sekarang daftar isi link ke halaman telah dibuat. Anda bisa menekan Ctrl kunci untuk menampilkan tangan mengklik doc daftar isi link ke halaman 6 , lalu klik konten untuk melompat ke halaman relatif.

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Comments (9)
Rated 3.5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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I have creatd a table of content and in word file it's work to find the content, but when i make it pdf, table of content doesn;t work to find the content in other pages.
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Hello, I believe some of the complaints about "skipping a step" or "nothing on creating a table of contents" is because you left out an important piece of information. I've never created a table of contents before, and your article was the first one I clicked on. After re-reading and troubleshooting, I figured out that you MUST use the Styles formatting for each section you want showing in your table of contents. I don't think your article communicates this point effectively. Once I added a Style to my headers, the table of contents formed as I originally expected it to.
Rated 3.5 out of 5
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Hey, in the first step, I have said Use Style. But also thanks. I am thinking if to do some change about the description or steps.
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Thanks so much for your easy to follow walk-through on how to create table of contents in Word.

For the document I was working on, I didn't have any styles and didn't want to go through the trouble of going through 60 pages to make changes and updates and following your instructions, within 30 seconds, my table of contents were created!

I do feel in the future that I will certainly work with Styles, but what was created was absolutely perfect for what I needed.

I had to create a 60-page instruction manual copying from one source to Word and with your help at the end, got the project done within 45 minutes!
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Agree w Elias.
You showed how to select some options.
But nothing on "How To Create A Table Of Contents Link To Pages In Word Document?"
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All steps above have told you how to create a table of contents link to pages in word document. After selecting the options, the table will be create. Have you follow above steps to create the table?If so, what is the real problem of you? If not, please try then ask.
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You skipped the process therefore what you are saying is not relevant.
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Which process I skipped? The step on adding heading?
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Excellent! Thank you so much for this, extremely helpful and easy to follow!
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