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Bagaimana cara menonaktifkan koreksi otomatis di Microsoft Outlook?

Di Microsoft Outlook, Anda dapat menonaktifkan fungsi koreksi otomatis untuk menghindari Outlook mengoreksi apa yang Anda ketikkan secara otomatis di pesan email. Ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini.

Nonaktifkan koreksi otomatis di Microsoft Outlook

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Tingkatkan Outlook 2021 - 2010 atau Outlook 365 Anda dengan fitur-fitur canggih ini. Nikmati uji coba gratis 60 hari yang komprehensif dan tingkatkan pengalaman email Anda!

panah gelembung kanan biruNonaktifkan koreksi otomatis di Microsoft Outlook

Di Outlook, Anda dapat menonaktifkan fungsi koreksi otomatis sebagai berikut.

1. klik File > Opsi dalam Outlook 2010 dan 2013.

Di Outlook 2007, silakan klik Tools > Opsi.

2. Dalam Pilihan Outlook kotak dialog Outlook 2010 dan 2013, silakan klik surat di panel kiri, lalu klik Ejaan dan Koreksi Otomatis tombol di Tulis pesan bagian.

Di Outlook 2007, di file Opsi kotak dialog, di bawah Ejaan tab, klik Ejaan dan Koreksi Otomatis .

3. Ketika Pilihan Editor kotak dialog muncul, silakan klik Proofing di panel kiri, lalu klik Opsi Koreksi Otomatis tombol di Opsi Koreksi Otomatis bagian.

4. Di kotak dialog Koreksi Otomatis, buka AutoCorrect tab, lalu hapus centang Ganti teks saat Anda mengetik kotak. Kemudian klik OK .

5. Klik OK tombol di kotak dialog berikut untuk menyelesaikan seluruh pengaturan. Dan fungsi Koreksi Otomatis telah dinonaktifkan sesuai keinginan Anda.

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4. In the Autocorrect dialog box just unmark the "Automatically use suggestions from the spelling checker" on the bottom.
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These instructions lead me to nothing that makes sense. The instructions tell me to click on buttons that don't exist. My computer is a HP laptop that uses Microsoft and has Outlook email. I bought this computer early this month (February 2019) and I've already disabled autocorrect in the computer, but now I also need to disable autocorrect in the Outlook email and probably in every other activity where writing is done. I want instructions that mention buttons that do exist. I want autocorrect to be permanently gone from all of my devises. I want autocorrect to be irrevocably gone and impossible to ever bring back to any of my devices. I did not intend to be buying mandatory autocorrect when I bought my devices. Autocorrect in reality is Auto Sabotage since it completely changes my words to totally different words that have totally different meanings. I want no more excuses. I want it gone.
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THANK YOU. This was driving me mad. And the way they have that selection set up, it doesn't even look like it's for shutting off autocorrect in general.
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Hi, can anyone help me how I can turn off autocorrect when I type the letter i, it changes to capital I, and when I write Swedish worde like möte, it changes to mote... Our IT-department can not help me...
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Get a new job then, if the IT is that incompetent, i dont want to see how others perform lol....
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How to disable the check spelling in the original message? Every times, my reply has no error but the original message ( in reply of forward ) has a lot and the program is checking the spelling all the times. I am desesperated
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This was a huge help for me! Thank you!
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[quote]This was a huge help for me! Thank you!By Lazze[/quote] Yeah it is the first one that worked for me.
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