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Bagaimana cara mengubah warna grafik gelembung berdasarkan kategori di Excel?

Jika Anda ingin mengubah warna gelembung yang berbeda berdasarkan kategori yang berbeda dalam bagan gelembung di Excel seperti gambar di bawah ini, tutorial ini dapat membantu Anda.

Ubah warna diagram gelembung berdasarkan kategori

panah gelembung kanan biru Ubah warna diagram gelembung berdasarkan kategori

1. Anda perlu menyalin nilai sumbu x Anda dan menempelkannya di kolom kosong di sebelah rentang data asli Anda terlebih dahulu.


2. Kemudian ketikkan nama kategori ke dalam sel tepat di atas rentang data, dan biarkan sel kosong di antara setiap dua kategori. Lihat tangkapan layar:


3. Kemudian di sel di bawah setiap kategori, ketik y, dan ketik Bubble ke dalam sel di bawah setiap sel kosong. Lihat tangkapan layar di bawah ini:


4. Ketikkan rumus ini = JIKA ($ A3 = F $ 1, $ C3, NA ()) ke dalam sel di bawah Y sel, dan seret gagang isian ke kisaran yang Anda butuhkan.

Note: $ A3 menunjukkan nama kategori dalam rentang data asli Anda, dan F $ 1 menunjukkan kategori yang Anda butuhkan dalam kolom ini, $ C3 menunjukkan nilai y dalam rentang data asli Anda.


5. Kemudian ketikkan rumus ini = JIKA (ISNA (F3), NA (), $ D3) ke dalam sel di bawah Gelembung sel dan seret gagang isian ke kisaran yang Anda butuhkan.

Note: F3 menunjukkan sel kiri ke sel aktif, dan $ D3 menunjukkan nilai gelembung dalam rentang data asli Anda.


6. Pilih rentang data baru yang Anda buat pada langkah-langkah di atas dan klik Menyisipkan > Grafik lainnya > Gelembung, dan pilih jenis gelembung yang Anda butuhkan.


Di Excel 2013, klik Menyisipkan > Sisipkan bagan Sebar (XY) atau Gelembung > Gelembung.

Sekarang Anda dapat melihat kategori yang sama dengan warna gelembung yang sama.


Jika Anda ingin mengubah warna grafik berdasarkan nilai, Anda dapat pergi ke tutorial ini Bagaimana mengubah warna grafik berdasarkan nilai di Excel.

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Deskripsi Produk

Tab Office Membawa antarmuka Tab ke Office, dan Membuat Pekerjaan Anda Jauh Lebih Mudah

  • Aktifkan pengeditan dan pembacaan tab di Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access, Visio, dan Project.
  • Buka dan buat banyak dokumen di tab baru di jendela yang sama, bukan di jendela baru.
  • Meningkatkan produktivitas Anda sebesar 50%, dan mengurangi ratusan klik mouse untuk Anda setiap hari!
Comments (13)
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Nice except that the graph comes out with other values on the x axis than what is in the data table you make the graph on...
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If you clear the cell that reads 'x' you should be able to get the values
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wow what wizardry is this? it works but no idea why
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Thanks for this guide - it's solved a big issue for me. Well, almost. I've got this set up, but also have Data Labels on the bubbles. However, I am having an issue with the Data Label dissapearing from the bubble when the Category (bubble colour) is changed. I've tried a few things, the thing that has come closest to solving the issue is: Changing all my data to the same category, configuring the Data Labels to the right format (the label content is coming from a range of cells), then changing all the data to the next category, and setting up the formats... repeating for all caegories. Once that is done then I can happily change the categories and the bubble colours change and the bubbles remain labeled... However.. If I save the document, close it and reopen then changing the category results in the bubble changing colour, but the data label on the bubble disspears. Looking at the settings nothing has changed but the label content does not show. Changing the cateogry back to the original value results in the label coming back.. Has anyone seen this before? ... and if so, any ideas on a solution? ~/R
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continue from previous msg.... X axis = period, Y axis = value, bubble = value with customer name
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Hi there, I would like to know is it possible to have the bubble's colour based on risk level with the following information availbale below and the colour of the bubble will depend on risk level (example, Medium = Orange, Low = Green, High = Red, Converted = Blue). I tried follow the example you showed above but couldn't get it working... customer Period Value Risk level A Jan-17 $15,000 Medium B Dec-16 $20,000 Low C Mar-17 $25,000 Converted D Feb-17 $10,000 High E Jan-17 $30,000 Medium F Apr-17 $8,000 Low Thanks in advance for your help! Casey
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I see that these steps work, but there is no explanation of why. for example you use the formula "=IF(ISNA(H10),NA(),$D10)", what does this mean and why are you using it. Is there a document available that not only shows a user how to change the colours but explains the process.
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you are probably doing what I did initially which is selecting the header rows when selecting the data, if you only select the values and no headers it will work fine
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Thanks for this walkthrough. A problem that I have, and I see you have it too based on the screen shots, is that the x axis no longer reflects the values from your data. The position of the bubbles along the x axis may be accurately scaled but the actual values are missing. How do you fix that?
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The x-axis displays the number of items in the list and the position of each one. The only workaround that I could figure out was to selected Edit Data and then select each category and specify the cell reference rather than leaving it as a range.
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[quote]Thanks for this walkthrough. A problem that I have, and I see you have it too based on the screen shots, is that the x axis no longer reflects the values from your data. The position of the bubbles along the x axis may be accurately scaled but the actual values are missing. How do you fix that?By David[/quote] The values along the x-axis reflect the position within the selection, not the actual values for the x-axis. eg., the first bubble is position 2 (second row), second bubble is position 3 and so forth. The values generated along the x-axis will reflect the number of items in the list. The only workaround that I could discover was to Edit Data and then select each category and manually adjust the cell references for x-axis, y-axis, and bubble size to reflect the actual cell, not a range.
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Hi Becky,

Thanks for sharing this with us. Can you please explain this with an example? It would be really helpful. Thank you.
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An alternative to this is editing the data to not include the row header (ie, the "x"). This seems to make the values correspond with the x-axis.
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